VLOG 232 Bluefin Tuna – Betrayal – Bali & beyond Webmaster, 18, January 202318, January 2023, Deer, Member, travel, Tuna, VLOG, 1 Rough as guts! Long story, I may tell it one day... The future is uncertain, who knows where the...
Hilux 4WD walk around, accessories pros and cons, Dan the Man’s Party Poem Webmaster, 2, December 20222, December 2022, 4wd, Member, VLOG, 0 Off on a mission tomorrow to South Central, Charlie, Sonny and myself, motorbikes and guns and a 4WD. Off...
Bluefin Tuna Two – The Long Wind Webmaster, 10, September 202210, September 2022, Fishing, Tuna, 0 Missions, been chainsawing logs and splitting and stacking wood and tidying round the yard and building woodsheds and a...
Knife VLOG 222 Webmaster, 3, September 20223, September 2022, Member, Misc, VLOG, 1 Jack makes an appearance in front of the camera for the first time in years. We visit Sam Harrison...
Bluefin Tuna Hokitika Trench Webmaster, 23, August 202223, August 2022, Fishing, Tuna, 0 Bluefin Tuna Hokitika Trench on the DNA Boat