I’m in China Webmaster, 16, February 202119, February 2021, Fishing, Hunting, VLOG, 0 I'm in bloody china, just got to the isolation hotel. Will be here for 2 weeks. Will have a...
BRAAAAP thekiwibushman, 26, June 201926, June 2019, Misc, 0 Heaps as good content For all you single fellahs that dont want to follow the dramatic drama of our...
Good news bad news – yeah – nah, but yeah… thekiwibushman, 25, June 201925, June 2019, About, VLOG, 10
What to Do for a week thekiwibushman, 23, May 201923, May 2019, Misc, 0 Yo! Im on the couch, feet up, got another VLOG up my sleeve but no content for the following...
The Gate thekiwibushman, 8, May 20198, May 2019, Misc, 2 Opening Gates Whats up this morning? Life, work, getting er done, not getting er done? I was thinking about...