Shit Yarns with Josh

  1. Cascapedia 3 years ago

    Big love to you Josh!
    Good on you for facing your demons!
    I hope you get Kristin and your family back together with you.
    Sending you all positive vibrations!!! X

  2. 3 years ago

    Josh. One of the bravest things I have seen. God Bless You – whichever God you choose.

  3. Paul 3 years ago

    Josh, thank you for opening up. Not an easy thing to do and I wish you the best. I have watched all of your Kiwi bushman episodes on you You Tube and absolutely loved them. I always wondered what had happened with the Kiwi bushman. When you stopped making them I had an inkling it may have been due to relationship issues which I picked up may be in jeopardy. Just something about the way you treated and spoke to Christen at times. The body language was wrong.

    Watching this tonight brought home a few truths for me as well. It took guts to put this video online.

    Really pleased you have picked yourself up. You have a beautiful wife and family and hope that you both can work it out. Really pleased you have a new business venture and hope it is successful.

    Wishing you all the best mate

  4. Sharon 2 years ago

    I’ve only just seen your video. Good on you for being brave enough to share your issues with others. My 26 year old grandson, Jayden, has recently split up from his partner. They have a 5 year old boy. I will try and share your video with him. Hopefully it might help him to put his life straight.

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